Let the River Flow

Let the River Flow

Let the River Flow is a call to faith and revival. It is a gospel song written and sung by Darrell Evans that has become a staple in christian worship all over the globe. Its lyrics provide a balanced message of well-needed hope, restoration and redemption: “Let the poor man say I am rich in Him; let the lost man say I am found in Him.” The song has cathartic properties for many people and serves as a powerful moment to reflect and connect with God.

The album of the same title subsequently describes Let the River Flow in a different light, this time focusing on the aspect of worshiping together as a community. Evans has his signature abandon and soulful delivery that, even on an album, is accompanied by instrumentation, and the chorus of many people praying and singing. Every song on the album, and the title song specifically, is bursting with life and spontaneity; almost like a parallel to a spiritual experience.

As a live stream, a river serves as a source of life and as a constant source of change, and it is such a constant metaphor in the song that ever’s music seeks to convey. This encourages the followers to participate in the work of the Holy Spirit as a rejuvenating source that enliven the dry and tired souls. The tune, also, is always pleasing to the ear and towards the throat and therefore could be performed in various forms of worship; even without any accompaniment or a guitar only.

Let the River Flow has found place in the churches services, youth retreats, and personal devotionals, giving rise to an atmosphere where people are encouraged to cast their cares fully upon the spirit and let go. Its history as a classic worship song guarantees that it will be able to motivate the coming generations as well.

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