Young Wild Free

Young Wild Free


The viewers are taken through a kinetic compress of Brandon Huffman’s life in Compton as the trailer for Young, Wild Free begins. It’s instantly engaging to view – compton is a volatile place, where he is tasked with raising his younger siblings, surviving high school, and learning who he is. The key scene involves a heart stopping interaction, where Brandon is introduced to this cute yet enigmatic girl who captures his interest. Set against the backdrop of engaging visuals, intelligent dialogue and an evocative soundtrack, there is a strong expectation that the story will also be one with deep emotions and self reflection.

Cast and Characters

  • Algee Smith as Brandon Huffman, a teenager forced to grow up too soon, juggling responsibilities and dreams while grappling with the chaos of his life.
  • Sierra Capri as Cassidy, a rebellious and enigmatic girl who leads Brandon into an unexpected and life-changing adventure.
  • Sanaa Lathan as Janice Huffman, Brandon’s resilient mother, who struggles to hold the family together amidst her own challenges.
  • Mike Epps as Lamont, a complex father figure with layers of wisdom and flaws.
  • Maya Angel Beroe as Keisha Huffman, Brandon’s younger sibling who looks up to him as a guiding force in her life.


From a vibrant but rough side of Compton comes the story behind the ‘Young Wild Free,’ a story about Brandon Huffman, a teenager who is taking too much responsibility for his age. While Janice, his mother, puts in too much effort towards providing for the family, Brandon puts himself in the caregiver role of his siblings. Due to the overwhelming burden, life gets mundane until it is turned upside down upon his encounter with Cassidy, a gun toting girl who may be complexly different inside than she is out.

Brandon’s perspective shifts and the bond forces him to face his deepest fears, closely aligned with his dreams, while chasing away the self-induced limits. His journey into Cassidy’s world makes him overly tangled in both, danger and adventure. Their struggle to find identity, family, and ambitions is intertwined within the challenges of a society that is constantly working against them.

Where to Watch

The film’s first screening was at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival where it received good reviews for its gripping plot and touching performances. It was later made available for streaming on BET+ on June 27, 2024.

Watch the Trailer

Dive into Brandon and Cassidy’s electrifying world by watching the trailer here.

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